Anger Management Programme


Anger Management Programme


The Anger Management Programme is an 8-session online programme to help overcome anger by using psychoeducation, therapeutic intervention and exercises to understand anger and manage it effectively.

During the sessions, we will explore your triggers and underlying contributing factors using psycho-education, therapeutic intervention, exercises and homework assignments. Controlling your anger means learning how to manage the frequency and duration of your anger. Anger that happens often and lasts a long time can be a heavy burden. The continuous increased emotional state can drain your energy and affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Learning anger management will help you to become aware of your triggers to anger, and will teach you more productive ways to respond to the feeling. It also provides you with skills to control internal and external factors.

An understanding of why you are angry, how often and how you act on that will be explored along with a thorough cost-benefit analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of your anger and the effects and consequences on your physical, mental and emotional health as well as your relationships and other affected areas (bio-psycho-social).

The objectives of the programme are to:

● Increase knowledge and understanding of anger, its origins and the ineffective related thoughts, feelings and actions associated

● To be able to recognise the biological symptoms in the body to gain control of your anger

● To understand how anger affects the body, mind, and emotional system (bio-psycho-social model) and learn new coping mechanisms and strategies for managing your anger

● To effectively identify your personal anger triggers and determine what are the contributing factors causing the anger

● To create a thorough cost-benefit analysis to identify the pros & cons, rewards, benefits and consequences of both being angry and managing anger

● To identify effective and constructive ways of dealing with Anger including action planning and problem-solving techniques

● To learn safe and effective strategies to self-soothe. prevent outbursts and manage stressors

The 8 sessions are an hour each and can be conducted weekly, or twice a week depending on your requirements.

We will contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule at your convenience once the booking is confirmed.

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