Emotional Regulation Programme


Emotional Regulation Programme


The Emotional Regulation Skills Programme is an 8-session programme focused on enhancing emotional regulation and identifying emotional dysregulation.

“Emotional regulation” is a term generally used to describe a person’s ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience. Emotional regulation refers to the processes individuals use to manage and respond to their emotional experiences in appropriate and adaptive ways. It encompasses strategies to amplify, maintain, or decrease one’s emotional responses.

This programme is designed to help you understand how to emotionally regulate effectively to be able to manage and adapt to life’s challenges. We will explore what emotional regulation is and isn’t, what our emotions do for us, how to identify them and the thoughts and behaviours that can result; as well as exercises to assist in checking the facts of our emotions and thoughts, learning to respond differently when triggered and being able to problem-solve difficult situations and experiences.

You will gain an awareness and understanding of the ‘10 universal emotions’ including guilt, jealousy, love, disgust, shame, sadness, happiness, envy, fear and anger.

The objectives of the programme are to:

● gain knowledge and understanding of what it means to be emotionally regulated and dysregulated

● gain awareness of what emotions are, what they do for us and how to recognise them

● to understand and identify the 10 universal emotions and how they impact our experience and biological changes, the actual promoting events and our interpretation of the prompting evenings.

● understand and recognise how we act and express our emotions as well as understand the aftereffects of our emotions

● learn to establish the difference between our emotions and our thoughts and interpretations

● learn new skills to problem solve and check the facts of what is triggering our thoughts and emotions

● learn to manage our emotions more effectively and identify them as and when they arise without needing to deflect, suppress or avoid them.

The 8 sessions are facilitated weekly as there are homework assignments and time needed between each session to process and navigate the emotions involved.

These will be discussed with you and scheduled once the booking is confirmed.

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